The Journey Begins with a Single Step

Lola Nicole
3 min readFeb 8, 2021


Photo by Brett Patzke on Unsplash

Here. We. Go.

Putting thoughts to words, and putting those words out into the ether. How funny, the moment the words are crafted with a perceived audience in mind, the energy shifts. Sit up straight. Shoulders back. Let it fall into place. Because once the part within that starts to care a little too much starts to speak up, I have to remind myself that non-attachment is the name of the game. It’s less about the words (at this point), and more about the intention behind this. An experiment of volition, if you will.

This brain muses endlessly, tirelessly for days. Years. Yes, for a lifetime. With at least 50 cover to cover filled journals strewn through different cities, countries of the past, the vast chapters of past lives lived, 99.9% never seen by the public eye.

You’re so private, you know.” Yes, I know.

You hold your cards so close to your chest.”

Creature of habit, learned behavior, subconscious protection mechanisms developed of a younger me

Perhaps it’s all of it, and yet nothing to lament over too much. Which circles back to the greater why… to muscle building, the sacred act of creating for the pure sake of creating. The exhale must fully match the inhale, otherwise we fall off balance.

As Steven Pressfield elucidates in The War of Art, that which you hold to the highest esteem and value most is exactly what you need to move towards most. Likely, this is what you are most afraid of doing.

I know it is. I feel it. Deeply. Yet, the avoidance does not result by chance — these patterns exist for a reason, be it subconscious or not. For if we begin to delve into everyone’s favorite topic of attachment theory, this feline creature is in no denial of her avoidant tendencies. Acutely aware of the way these patterns of behavior have molded my relationship dynamics with the external world. Be it romantic, the work my soul longs for me to start, its been forged and molded by the same forces.

If we pull back to view the pendulum of existence, wouldn’t it suffice to say that too much time and energy placed on one end requires a counterbalance - a necessary push to tip the scales back into balance.

Lift only heavy weights, and the body falls out of balance, needing proper stretching and release. Find ourselves too far into the egoic self, the proper dose of humility is needed to bring back to equilibrium. Too much time in isolation, and the soul yearns for human connection.

Let’s tip the scales back. Let’s find the corners we’ve occupied for too long. Let’s say our thanks, bid them farewell, and pack our bags to explore the other side, the one we’ve been too hesitant to head towards.

I, for one, am committed to this journey. Feel free to join for the ride.

