You will forget. But you will always remember.

Lola Nicole
2 min readFeb 14, 2021
Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash

A tale as old as time. Have peak enlightening experience, tap into the secrets of the universe, experience the wonder, awe, and immense sense of peace that comes from a sense of greater clarity.

And before you know it, BAM. Crash back down to Earth.

Stay in the lull, question everything about your existence, wonder if you’ll ever feel that “high” again…

And then, often times when you least expect it, the remembering comes back.

THIS is the dance. The ultimate dance. The dance I will likely forever perpetually oscillate within.

For me, whenever I have these peak experiences of great insight — be it from an enlightening conversation with a dear friend, a deep meditation, recognizing I’ve been in a flow state — I notice that some part of me wants to hold on and cling to these experiences.

More often than that, that becomes the thing that makes me lose my grip. I realize that it’s the acceptance, the full surrender, that allows me to simmer in it and maintain that state for longer.

And yes, I will fall again. And if you’re human, you will too. I know for myself it’s less about staying “high” all the time, but zooming back to really embrace the entirety of all experiences, and how much each part of the wave serves its purpose in creating the magnitude and depth that is the ocean.

Let’s flow with the waves. Let’s dance the dance, for the sake of dancing, without needing to pause the song to continually repeat the 15 second clip that feels best.

All the notes, instruments, pauses, lyrics, beats, make the entirety of the song. And I, personally, am committed to appreciating the music just for the sake of music itself.

